Vehicle Purchase Protection
Clearly, transactions conducted over the Internet call for greater safeguards to help ensure a sense of security and confidence - for both buyers and sellers. Especially transactions involving the amount of money and commitment involved in a vehicle purchase.
eBay Motors' Vehicle Purchase Protection offers peace of mind for both parties at every step of the vehicle purchasing process. Buyer protection is especially important, as sellers enjoy the most success when their customers feel safe and comfortable bidding.
Some of the ways sellers are protected by eBay Motors' Vehicle Purchase Protection include:
- Fast deposits from winning bidders via PayPal.
- Feedback Forum offering insight into potential customers, their eBay purchasing histories and ratings.
Buyers also benefit from the Vehicle Purchase Protection:
- Up to $50,000 in purchase protection in case of material misrepresentation or outright fraud.
Buyers can further protect themselves with the following:
- Third-party inspections.
- Feedback Forum offering insight into potential sellers, their eBay selling histories and customer ratings.
"eBay Motors draws in customers from across the country and across the oceans." |
Jason Rebholz, Internet Sales Manager, Bobby Rahal Motorcars, Wexford, PA. |