Auction |
Fixed Price |
Insertion (listing) fee is charged; eBay fees. |
Low insertion fee of $0.02 per listing, whether you list one or 1000 of the same item. |
Your items appear within eBay Search and Listings, as well as in your eBay Store. |
Your items appear only within your eBay Store, but your eBay Store is promoted from your eBay auctions. |
Item listing lasts 3, 5, 7, or 10 days. |
Item listings generally last 30 days. 60, 90 and 120 day listings are also available. |
Buyers and sellers communicate directly about payment and shipping. |
Learn more about requiring immediate payment payments. |
Buyers place bids over a course of several days. However, if you use the Buy It Now feature, buyers can purchase immediately. |
Buyers can purchase immediately. |