eBay Stores

Your new eBay
store is here

Connect with your buyers
in a whole new way

Customize in minutes

Your store is just a few clicks away from a fresh, clean, contemporary look that'll make your products shine. Quickly convert to an exciting and attractive storefront that expresses your unique brand.

Share everywhere

Imagine your eBay store everywhere. On Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter—the places customers all over the world go to search, learn, and be inspired. We've just expanded your marketplace by making it easy to share your store on the social web.

Stay informed

Easily track and analyze which channels (eBay, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) are generating the most interest and sales.

Sell to buyers on the go

Wherever customers are, your new store is a tap away. Now your buyers can enjoy the same great shopping experience on mobile devices. And the best part is that you don't have to do a thing to set it up—just create your store, and it'll be available on smartphones and tablets instantly for buyers to start shopping faster than ever before!

Have questions?

Converting is quick and easy.

I already have a store on eBay, so why convert to a new one?
For starters, you should convert because the new store looks great! It's got a cleaner, more modern, sleek look. Your items will display with bigger pictures, so when buyers visit, they'll enjoy a contemporary shopping experience. But that's not all: customizing and promoting your unique brand is easier than ever before. You can reach new customers effortlessly by embedding your store on social sites like Facebook and Pinterest, and then track exactly which channels are generating the most sales. And if you want, you can include a video or image in your store to promote your brand and build customer trust and loyalty.
How hard will it be to convert my store to the new one?
We've taken care of all the heavy lifting, so converting will be fast and easy. As soon as you click the Try it now button, all you do is pick a theme, and then add your logo, a description, and, if you want, a video or image. Other than that, there's nothing to it! Your listings will remain intact with the same pictures and item descriptions you've always used.
If I convert to the new store, can I also keep my old store?
We don't want your customers to get confused, so you'll have just one store—the new and improved one. Returning customers will still be able to find you with the URL they've always used and bookmarked. We'll just redirect them to your new store.
What if I decide later that I prefer my old store?
You can always switch back whenever you want. Try out the new store for a while and if you decide it's not for you, go to your store and click the Opt out link at the top of the page to go back to your old store.
After I convert my store, how soon can customers start shopping?
Right away. As soon as you convert and publish your store, it'll be open for business and you can start selling immediately.
What will it cost to convert my store?
Converting to the new store is FREE. And you don't have to pay to include a video or to take advantage of the social media tools we offer, such as sharing your store on Facebook.
I already have a logo on my existing store, so why will I need to add a new one?
In the new store, you have more space for your logo, so you'll want to upload a bigger file. If you've been thinking about updating your logo, now is your opportunity to express your unique brand more prominently.

Sharing your store on social sites wins more customers.

What does "sharing" my store on social sites mean? Will my store continue to be on eBay or will it be on those other sites?
Your store is on eBay and will remain there. That's where your customers come to shop. Now, with the social marketing tools we've added, sharing simply means that you can make your store and what you sell visible on social channels such as YouTube, Facebook, and Pinterest. These sites are advertising resources you may not have tapped before to help drive new customers to your store on eBay.
I don't have a Facebook account and I'm not sure I want one—does this mean I can't share my store on Facebook?
To share your store on Facebook, you need to go to Facebook and create an account if you don't already have one. You don't need to create a personal page on that account, just a business brand page. If you're new to Facebook, you'll quickly realize that most businesses are already there, with active brand pages, so having one is critical to remaining competitive.
If I share my store on Facebook, will all my Facebook friends see it?
Since you'll be sharing your store on your Facebook brand page, not your Facebook personal page, your friends won't see your store and what you post about it unless they've added your brand page to the list of pages that they "like" on Facebook. "Liking" is how people follow pages on Facebook.
What's a Facebook brand page?

A Facebook brand page focuses on your business identity, letting you advertise and build relationships with customers in a targeted way, based on location, demographics, and interests. It's different from a Facebook personal page, which is where you and all your friends share posts as people and communicate with one another about random thoughts and news.

What you post on your brand page is visible to anyone on Facebook who finds you and has chosen to follow your brand page—the fans, existing customers, and would-be customers who are genuinely interested in your business and have opted in to seeing your posts because they want to know what your business is up to.

Who controls my Facebook brand page?
You do. What people see there is entirely up to you. You can post as often or as infrequently as you want—a rule of thumb is to post about once a week, so as not to inundate your fans with news, yet at the same time remain active and present. Your posts can be updates about your business, announcements about new things you're selling, or offers and discounts that will securely drive customers directly to your eBay store.
How do my customers go from my Facebook brand page to my eBay store?

Anyone who views your brand page on Facebook is able to go to your store from there and shop as if they had accessed your store directly on eBay. We'll provide you with insight into how many customers are coming to your store from Facebook versus other channels, so that you know exactly where to focus your marketing energy.

And unlike your personal page, there's no limit to the number of people who can like your brand page, so there's potential for you to have a steady, ongoing stream of new traffic to your store every day!

How will I share my store on Pinterest?
Sharing on Pinterest is easy—you just sign in, create a new board or select an existing board for pinning, and then pin your eBay storefront to it. Customers will then be able to come to your store on eBay from Pinterest. It's that simple!

A video lets you tell your story and connect with buyers.

Do I have to add a video to my store?
Only if you want. If you'd rather not include a video, you can include an image of your products or your business. But we recommend that you try out the video—we think you'll have fun doing it and customers will love it! Tell me more.
What's the advantage of putting a video in my store?
It's a great way to quickly tell the story of your business, communicate your unique brand, promote new items, and highlight the essence of what makes your business special and better than the rest. By knowing a bit more about you and your business, customers can connect with you in a personal way that motivates them to shop in your store. Think of your video as a commercial: what would you want customers to know so that they'd be inspired to shop from you?
How long should my video be?
We recommend two minutes at most.
What if I don't have a background in creating or producing videos?
You can always hire a professional to produce your video, and we'll provide some tips on how to find and work with a videographer. But if you decide to do it yourself, you don't have to be a Hollywood director or Manhattan ad agency to create a great video! We'll help you produce it—with detailed tips, examples of videos created by other sellers, and a wealth of free resources so that you can easily, quickly, and inexpensively create a great quality video that showcases your business in the best possible light.
Do I need to appear in the video?
Only if you want. If you'd rather not be filmed, you can show the items you sell and have you or someone else narrate in the background. Or, you can film your employees or customers talking about your business, sharing their excitement about what you sell and how it's enhanced their lives. There are lots of ways to tell your business story through video, so if you're feeling shy or want to remain anonymous, you can still create an effective video that'll give customers a sense of what makes your business great.
Do I need a YouTube account to create my video?
You need a YouTube account because that's where you'll upload your video file. You can sign up in a matter of minutes, and then after you upload your video you can point to it from your eBay store. Keep in mind that YouTube is one of the most widely used search engines on the web, so by putting your video there, customers will have one more place where they can find you. And since you can include your store URL in your video, if buyers find you on YouTube first, they'll know exactly where to go to find you on eBay so that they can start shopping.
How often can I change my video?
You can change it as often as you want. For example, you might want to switch your video at different times of the year to promote seasonal items. To keep things fresh, you can create several videos, upload them to YouTube, and then replace the video URL on your store with a different one whenever you want. And if you like, you can always switch back to your original video.
What do I need to know and agree to before I post a video on my Stores page?
Disclosing your name and image in any video you add to your Stores page means that this information will be publicly associated with your eBay store and eBay User ID. If you have concerns about this, don't disclose your name and image in any video you add to your Stores page. All videos must comply with eBay's Links policy. You should also be aware that eBay has the option of unlinking any video on your Stores page if, in eBay's discretion, it contains objectionable content.