There's a solution provider near you
By putting your computers, cell phones and consumer electronics into the hands of a
reputable recycler, potentially hazardous materials can be disposed of safely and
reusable materials can be salvaged. Rethink Initiative members have researched and
compiled lists of responsible recyclers – find one near you.
How to choose a recycler
It’s often not easy to tell who is a responsible recycler and who
is not. Many times one of the best ways to choose a recycler is to rely
on the recommendations of credible environmental groups. For example, several
recyclers have signed the Computer Take Back Campaign’s
Electronics Recycler’s Pledge of True Stewardship
and have formally committed to responsible electronics
recycling. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency runs its Plug-In To
eCycling program and participants in the program agree to maintain strict
standards in recycling.
Another thing to keep in mind when choosing a recycler is that many are not setup to take a single computer at a time. As a result, we recommend that you contact your potential recycler before visiting to ensure that they can receive your equipment. If they can’t, ask them if they know of another responsible recycler who can.
Please be sure to visit the member solutions page to find out about recycling solutions offered by Rethink members. Many computer and electronics manufacturers offer recycling programs that you can take advantage of, even if you can't find a local recycler.
How do you find the right recycler?
here for a list of questions to ask before choosing
a recycler.
Concerned about your old data?
Interested in learning about more options?
See other solutions from Rethink members.