4 min article

Adding pictures to your listings

Including several high-quality pictures is one of the best ways to attract buyers to your listings. eBay’s photo uploader makes it easy to add and edit photos of your items.

When you list an item for sale on eBay, you have to include at least one picture. The first picture you add, called the main photo, appears next to your item’s title in search results. You can add up to 24 pictures.

We store copies of your photos on eBay and they’ll stay in your completed listings for up to 90 days. You can re-use them if you relist the item or create a new listing for something similar.

How to add pictures to listings

To upload photos from your computer:

  1. In the Photos & Video section, Drag and drop a file or select Upload from computer. (If you've already added a photo, select Add to upload additional photos.)
  2. Browse to find the photos you want (maximum 12MB each). To select more than one file, hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) or the Command key (Mac). You can rearrange the order once they’re uploaded.
  3. Crop, rotate, edit the background, and adjust the brightness and contrast of the photo using the icons in the Edit photo screen, then select Save.

To copy photos from a web address:

  1. In your listing form, select Add Photos.
  2. Select Copy your photos from a web address.
  3. Enter the URL where your photo is located. You can add more than one by selecting + Add another.
  4. When you've added all the URLs you need, select Import to copy them into your listing.

To upload photos from a web address:

  1. In the Photos & Video section, select See photo options
  2. Turn on Upload photos from web
  3. Select Add then Upload from Web.
  4. Enter the URL where your photo is located. You can add more than one by selecting + Add additional.
  5. When you've added all the URLs you need, select Done to copy them into your listing.

To upload photos from your mobile device 

  1. In the Photos & Video section, turn on Upload photos from mobile.
  2. Select Add then Upload from mobile.
  3. A notification will be sent to your mobile device to begin adding photos to your draft.
  4. You can choose to add photos from "Library", "File", or "Take photos" (camera)

Managing and replacing photos

You can adjust or replace photos by going to Revise your item from either My eBay or Seller Hub.

  • To delete or replace an uploaded photo: Delete the existing photo, and upload a new one if needed
  • To replace a photo copied from a web address: Use a new URL for the replacement photo
  • Change a main photo: Find the photo you want to use as the main photo, then click and hold it to move it to the top left position. You can change main photos if there are no offers, for fixed price listings, or no bids and more than 12 hours left, for auction listings

Using the background enhancement tool

When creating or editing your listing on the eBay website or the eBay app you can use the background enhancement tool to easily touch up your photos. Here's how:

Using the web listing tool:

  1. Select a photo to edit it.
  2. Select the Background icon to automatically replace the background with a solid white color.
  3. Select Save and then Done.

Using the eBay app:

  1. Tap the image you want to edit.
  2. Tap the Background icon.
    • Choose White, to change the background to a solid white color
    • Or, choose from the AI-Generated backgrounds, Studio, Surface, and Outside
      • Within the AI generated options you can also select Edit scene, to see more options, and Generate more, to generate different versions 
  3. Select Apply, then Done. 

eBay photo tips

Quality item images can help boost sales, prevent returns and improve your items placement in search results. Here are some tips to ensure your pictures look their best and set buyer expectations.

Use clear, crisp, high-quality photos:

  • Upload high resolution, larger photos that aren't blurry or pixelated. Small photos get blurry when enlarged
    • Images should have a minimum resolution of 500 x 500 pixels but we recommend images that are about 1600 x 1600. Our photo uploader can take images up to 12MB in size
    • Display items in an uncluttered space against a neutral backdrop 
      • White backgrounds are generally best, but for shiny or reflective items like a piece of jewelry, a darker background may work better
      • Use a tripod to keep the camera steady for clear, sharp photos. If you don’t have a tripod, place the camera on a flat surface and use the shutter timer to eliminate excess motion
      • Reduce glare by avoiding using a flash, or overhead lighting
      • Do not add graphics to images such as badges, logos, copyright notices or watermarks as they can affect your listing's placement in search results

Be clear about what you're selling by uploading a variety of photos:

  • Capture several angles of the item. 
    • Your main photo should show the whole item face-on. It will be the photo that appears in search results
    • You can use the additional photos to show different aspects and features
  • If your item has any flaws, scratches or other imperfections, show clear, closeup images of them. This can help set buyer expectations and prevent buyer returns
  • If the size of your item isn’t clear, add a photo with a coin or ruler next to the item to indicate its size
  • Make it clear whether you're selling a single item or a bundle
    • For single items, your main photos should not include any variations
    • For bundles, your main photo should show all items for sale

You can’t use a catalog or stock photo if you’re listing an item as used.

Problems when adding photos

If you’re having trouble adding photos,make sure you’re using one of the accepted file formats (JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, WEBP, HEIC, or AVIF). Also check each file size is no larger than 12MB each.

Other tips:

  • Use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari
  • Clear your browser’s cache (refer to the browser’s help section if you don’t know how)
  • If you’re using pop-up blocking software on your browser, the photo uploader might not appear. Try temporarily disabling pop-up blockers (refer to the browser’s help for instructions)
  • Make sure your image hasn’t expired or been archived. eBay stores pictures for 90 days

Gallery Plus

With Gallery Plus, your listing's main image will show in search results with a larger picture. 

Gallery Plus offers:

  • A larger picture, up to 400 x 400 pixels, when you hover over the item in search results. Otherwise, your picture is shown at the standard size of 96 pixels
  • A magnifying glass and Enlarge link
  • Access to all of your pictures in search results, if you have multiple pictures

When you list an item for sale on eBay, you have to include at least one picture.

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