4 min article

eBay Store newsletters

Email marketing is one of the most powerful ways of reaching out to customers and building a community of repeat buyers.

If you're an eBay Store seller, you can easily create and send email campaigns to subscribers, followers, and past customers who've signed up to receive newsletters from your store. You can use the newsletter to welcome your customers, and let them know about new listings.

Newsletter templates

Our design templates help you create and personalize your Store newsletter. Currently, eBay offers you six email templates that you can utilize for different occasions and marketing campaigns. We’ve added templates to enable you to provide sale events, volume pricing, coupon and order discounts to your customers, and drive traffic back to your store.

Depending on the template you select, we'll add standard text and feature items from your Store that you can edit.

Customizing eBay Store newsletters

To design and send an eBay Store newsletter:

  1. Select the Store tab - opens in new window or tab in Seller Hub.
  2. Select Store newsletter, and then Create campaign.
  3. Choose your Campaign template and click Next.
  4. Select the newsletter recipient(s), active discount (if any), and eligible listings. Note that an active discount (coupon, volume pricing, or sale event) is needed for these promotional newsletters.
  5. Fill out the subject line of your email, or you can use the one provided.
  6. You can schedule a one time email to go out on a specific date, or on a recurring schedule. Scheduled emails will go out to recipients on the same day each week, every 2 weeks or every 4 weeks.
  7. Select Review to preview your email before sending and then Activate to send your email.

Keep in mind that your buyers can receive one newsletter from you every other week. Refresh the content frequently to encourage more buyers to open and click on your emails. If you’ve already created an email for this week, you can schedule a second email to the same recipients two weeks apart.

You can check when the email was created and last sent by selecting Store Newsletter in Seller Hub. One time emails have a status of Sent when they are delivered, while recurring emails have a status of Active, as they are ongoing.

Newsletter recipient(s)

You can select one or more audience groups to send your Store newsletter to:

  • Your most recent buyers (bought in the last 30 days)
  • Your recent buyers (bought in the last 31 - 365 days)
  • Your followers (saved you as a seller)
  • All of your subscribers

If those predefined audience groups don’t fit your promotional campaign, you can use our buyer segmentation tool, buyer groups, to manually create groups yourself.

To create a custom group of buyers, you can pick between two main categories of buyers to engage with - your previous customers and your Store followers. Once selected, you can further define the group by filtering past customers by their most recent purchases (up to 1 year ago) and the item categories that they have purchased, or by filtering followers according to the length of time they have been following you and their buying status.

Read more about creating a buyer group in Seller Center.

Check out our available resources on coded coupons to learn how you can incorporate attractive discount codes into your Store newsletter.

Tips for creating eBay Store newsletters

Consider the following tips when you're creating your store newsletter:

  • Subject line — If you're creating your own subject line, consider personalizing it by thanking your buyer for their recent purchase or mention new items you know they'll love. Keep it short and sweet, and focus on what you're communicating to your customers
  • About Us — Use this section to tell your potential customers a little bit about your store, your brand, and your commitment to customer service
  • Featured Listings — If you use the Featured Listings section, we'll choose the items to feature based on the criteria you select. For example, you could choose to highlight new inventory or items with a reduced price. You can also manually select listings one at a time to get exactly the listings you want to promote
  • Frequency — To ensure buyers have the best experience on eBay, they are protected from getting more than one email from you in a 14 day timeframe. Please space out your emails so that all buyers get to hear from you

What your store newsletters can't include

  • Offers to sell items outside of eBay
  • Phone numbers or email addresses
  • Links or image references to items not located on an eBay site
  • HTML tags, JavaScript or other active scripting

Creating store newsletters is a great way to let buyers know about your sales or discounts, new products you're selling, and build a community of repeat customers.

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