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Why eBay Motors is Safe
The majority of buyers and sellers on eBay are honest and reliable. However, here's how you're protected with additional built-in safeguards every time you buy or sell on us:
  • Instantly check the "reputation" or business practices of anyone at eBay.
    The Feedback Forum is a place where users leave comments about each other's buying and selling experiences at eBay. Bidders will check your seller's Feedback Profile before they place a bid to learn about your reputation with previous buyers. As a seller, you can do the same with your bidders and if their feedback makes you uncomfortable, don't just cancel their bid. Rather, contact them with questions to learn what you need to make an informed decision.
  • SafeHarbor, eBay's comprehensive safety resource, is here for your protection.
    It doesn't happen often, but sometimes there is misuse on Bay. SafeHarbor springs into action and tries to resolve issues in many areas such as fraud, trading offenses, and illegally listed items.
  • An escrow service can give you added security whether you're a buyer or seller in transactions involving expensive items. will hold a buyer's payment and send it to you (the seller) only after the buyer has inspected your merchandise and given their approval. Using escrow services can be a great way to build buyer trust to bid on expensive items…especially before you have an extensive feedback reputation. Also, as a seller, you have the same opportunity to inspect and approve a returned item before the buyer gets refunded (more applicable for motorcycle Parts & Accessories).
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