3 min article

Tips for winning auctions

eBay auctions often have multiple competing bidders. You can maximize your chances of winning by having a good bidding strategy.

Whether you're new to eBay or you're an experienced shopper, these tips can help increase your chances of placing the winning bid.

Research before you bid

Before you bid on an item, do some research to find the listing that gives you the best chance of winning for the lowest possible price. Try the following:

  • Search several times using different terms to describe the item you’re looking for. This will help you understand the current market price
  • Try searching using misspelled words, such as “porcelane” instead of “porcelain.” Fewer people will find a listing with a typo
  • Note what time the auction ends; this can affect how many other people will bid on it, and whether you’ll be available to bid at the last minute. If it’s late at night, you’re less likely to be outbid in the last minute
  • Think about how much you’re willing to pay, and determine your maximum bid. You’ll be prepared to make decisions in the crucial last seconds of the auction

If you are immediately outbid, someone else has placed a maximum bid higher than your current bid. Find out how to set up automatic bidding.

eBay bidding tips

Here are some tips to consider when bidding:

  • If there’s a Buy It Now option, you can purchase the item right away without waiting for the auction to end
  • Bide your time. You stand a greater chance of getting the item by placing your highest bid in the closing seconds
  • If an auction listing has a reserve price, bid up to that amount as early as possible, so other bidders aren’t attracted by the low starting price
  • Try bidding an uneven amount. Thinking of spending $10.50? Try $10.63 instead. Those extra few cents can make all the difference

Download the eBay app to receive notifications about auctions and place bids straight from your phone.

Before you start bidding on an item, look at similar items to see if there are fewer bidders.

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