2 min article

Misrepresentation of identity policy

To maintain the safety of our community, all our members are required to accurately represent their identity when using eBay.

Users are not allowed to pretend to be an eBay employee or another eBay member.

Frequently Asked Questions


A member I'm buying from sent me an email asking for my credit card details. It wasn't an eBay message. What should I do?

eBay members should never contact each other outside of eBay's messaging system. And we'll never request that you send sensitive information such as payment details, addresses, or passwords through email. There's a good chance a request like this is fraudulent.

Go to our recognizing spoof emails and websites article for more information and to report the email. After submitting all the details of the email, review the securing your account page for additional steps you should take.

How do I report someone who's misrepresenting themselves?

To report a member who's attempting to misrepresent themselves as an eBay employee, or as another eBay member, please contact eBay with the member's username or email address.

Read our full policy

Misrepresentation of identity policy overview

eBay does not permit members to misrepresent themselves as eBay employees or as other eBay members.

Activity on eBay is required to follow this policy, the eBay User Agreement and all applicable laws, as well as respect the rights of third parties. If it doesn’t, eBay may take action consistent with applicable laws and the eBay User Agreement, and may even be legally required to do so. Such actions may include, as an example only: Removing the listing or other content, issuing a warning, restricting activity or account suspension.

To report a member who is attempting to misrepresent himself or herself as an eBay employee or as another eBay member, please contact eBay with the member's username or email address. Due to privacy issues, eBay will be unable to discuss the result of the investigation.

Some examples

Bob Smith is selling a collectible statue on eBay. Joe is the high bidder, and wins the auction for Bob's statue. Shortly after winning the auction, Joe receives this email from someone pretending to be Bob: "Hi, Joe. Congratulations on winning the statue! Please send me a cashier's check, payable to Jack Johnson". Joe is suspicious, because the email address of the sender doesn't match Bob's eBay-registered email address. So, Joe contacts Bob at Bob's official address. Bob tells Joe that Jack Johnson must be impersonating him, and that Joe should not send Mr. Johnson any money. Instead, Bob and Joe work out the correct payment details, using their officially registered email addresses.

Additional information

Personal information - such as names, addresses, passwords, credit card numbers - are sensitive and valuable. Personal information can also be valuable to individuals trying to defraud eBay members. To try to get this type of information from an eBay member, one of these individuals might send a member an email claiming to be eBay or another eBay member and requesting personal information. These requests might say it is important for members to reply with sensitive information by email, or contain links to Web pages that request members to sign in and submit information.

eBay will never ask a member to send eBay sensitive information through email. If eBay ever does request sensitive information, eBay will always direct its members to the eBay site. With very few exceptions, members can submit the requested information through their "My eBay" page.

If a member receives an email message requesting passwords, credit card numbers or other sensitive information, they should refer to our article on recognizing spoof emails for more information as well as instructions that will allow them to report the email. If they have already submitted information as a result of an email message they received, they should review the securing your account for additional steps they should take as well as information about how to contact eBay for assistance.

Why does eBay have this policy?

eBay has this policy to help our members protect their personal information and to help members avoid being victimized by unscrupulous individuals.

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