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Thank you for your interest in eBay Express! Merchants on eBay Express gain access to millions of shoppers seeking deals on new and brand-name products. We feature experienced merchants so shoppers can buy with confidence.
Listing fees
Your listings will appear on eBay Express at no additional cost, and you will not pay extra fees for eBay Express sales; the total fee for selling an item on our site or the initial listing site is the same.
If you sell on any of the following sites and meet certain criteria you can become an eBay Express merchant: You’ll need to meet the following merchant, listing, and category criteria to be eligible to sell on eBay Express: Merchant criteria
Listings Criteria
Category criteria
Most categories are qualified on eBay Express. Learn more about category criteria.
Check eligibility
You can verify your eligibility to sell on eBay Express two ways:
If you’re a seller you can choose to show your listings on eBay Express. Your eBay Express sales will be recorded in My eBay. Learn more about selling inventory on eBayExpress. You’ll need to meet the following merchant and category criteria to be eligible as an eBay Express merchant Merchant criteria
Category criteria
All categories are qualified for eBay Express except for Video Game Systems. If you’re a merchant, enrolled in the eBay Express Shopping Cart Program, your listings will appear on eBay Express. Need more help? Send us an email or chat live now with a Customer Service specialist. | Chat With Customer Service If you need help while you're shopping on eBay Express, we have specialists ready to chat live with you. E-mail Customer Service E-mail us with your questions and comments. |