3 min article

Unsolicited idea submissions policy

At eBay, we appreciate comments from our members on our products and services. But we have a long-standing policy of not accepting unsolicited suggestions, ideas, or proposals.

We have this policy to avoid misunderstandings because new products, services, and features developed internally by eBay employees might be similar or even identical to a member's idea.

Frequently Asked Questions


What happens if I send a suggestion to eBay?

We appreciate your input, but we can't respond to suggestions that are sent to eBay. We might have been working on a similar idea internally already, and want to avoid any potential misunderstandings around ownership of the idea. If you do send us an idea, we won't be able to consider it as your property or as confidential information.

If you use my suggestion on eBay, will you pay me?

No. If you send us an unsolicited idea, we won't pay you for it, even if we use a similar idea on eBay.

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