Feedback Enhancements Frequently Asked Questions

Below are frequently asked questions about the new feedback changes.

What happens to my old feedback rating and comments left for me previously?

All previous comments and feedback points remain intact. After this change, your feedback rating will continue to change as you receive additional comments from other users.

How does the scoring work for new feedback?

Scoring will continue to work the same way for transaction-related feedback. You can still leave positive (+1), negative (-1) and neutral (0) comments. However, non-transaction-related feedback can only be positive (+1) or neutral (0). eBay will no longer allow negative feedback if it is not related to a transaction.

Will I be able to go back and add transaction numbers or response and follow-up messages to feedback comments left for me prior to this change?

Sorry, but this won't be possible, due to database constraints. These new features will only be available for new comments left after the change is made.

I'm concerned that this change will devalue my previous feedback score. I believe that transaction-related feedback will be more highly valued than non-transaction-related feedback. If those old comments don't show transactions, how will people know the difference?

The fact that you have already developed a strong postive reputation on eBay is sure to be recognized and respected by other users. Our longer term customers will understand the value of the old feedback system, and your previous feedback score will be unchanged. eBay has worked to make the distinction between old and new feedback as clear as possible. The dividing line between old and new is clearly marked on your feedback record. Old feedback is colored with a light gray background, as it was previously, and available for other users to view. Newer feedback, left after the change, will be marked with a different color. In addition, a text message appears between the two sections that explains the change in functionality.

How do I know that the transaction number is real?

eBay will verify that transaction numbers match buyers and sellers in our database.

Am I going to have to type in a transaction number now, as well as a UserID? That seems like an extra step in the process.

You are able to type in the transaction number and UserID if you wish. However, links from the bidding history on a completed auction and from the End of Auction email notices will automate this process and save you time.

Will I still be able to leave feedback unrelated to a transaction?

Yes. You will continue to be able to leave feedback for any reason. However, such comments will not be marked with the transaction number, which is used to indicate transaction-oriented feedback comments only.