Mister Lister Text Format Specifications

These are not the complete specifications. However, they provide a comprehensive overview to allow a software developer to understand the requirements for use of the Mister Lister text format. Registered users who sign up for Mister Lister will receive complete specifications.

These specifications provide instructions for software programmers designing an upload tool for Mister Lister. The software that you design must generate an error-free formatted text file to be accepted successfully by the automated Mister Lister bulk upload tool.

At this time, eBay provides only limited support for software development activity. We regret that we cannot support requests for development or debugging of customer software. eBay is unable to diagnose or fix bugs caused by your custom designed software, the mailer software you are using, or the mail server system that you use. The resolution of these problems is the responsibility of the software developer. However, these instructions and the error messages generated by our systems provide enough information to support your development.


There are 4 steps to use this feature:
STEP 1: You compile the batch of items offline on your computer.
STEP 2: You send the batch in an email to eBay.
STEP 3: eBay sends you an email when your batch is received.
STEP 4: You go to eBay to review and start your auctions.
Please review an explanation of each step below.


To compile the batch of items offline, you will create a text file that contains special tags and text. You will create a file that looks like this:



Item Title^(Category Number)^(Bold?)^(Category Feature?)^(Featured?)^(Location)^http://www.yourpicturesurl.com/itempicture1.jpg^(Quantity)^(Reserve Price)^(Minimum Price)^(Duration of auction in days)^(Private?)


A complete DESCRIPTION of all of the tags and all of the RULES for data entry appear at the end of these instructions along with an EXAMPLE. You should read through this information before you use Mister Lister.


Once you have compiled the text file, you send the file as the contents of an email message to eBay. Make sure that your email settings are set for plain text only. Do not send as an attachment. (Address for submissions provided upon registration for Mister Lister use).

It is not necessary to include a subject or extra message text in the email. Mister Lister will ignore anything not contained within the tags.


You will receive a confirmation email providing you instructions about the batch you submitted.

If your batch contained errors you will receive a message indicating them. To successfully enter the batch, you will have to correct the mistakes and resubmit a revised text file.


Successfully submitted batches are kept in a waiting area on eBay. No auction starts until you go online and approve it. This allows you to review items online and make changes if you wish.

You can review the Mister Lister online. Once you upload a batch of items, you review and approve them on eBay.

You have 2 weeks from the time that you submit a batch to approve the batch online. You choose the start time.


Tags designate the beginning and end of different portions of the Mister Lister message. If you are familiar with HTML you will recognize the format. All of the tags have a corresponding end tag (end tags contain a forward slash ("/"). Here are the tags that must be included in the email, followed by an example of how the tags must be placed together:


Put all of the other tags and item information in the batch between these two tags. This pair of tags is used only once per batch to signify its beginning and ending. See example below.


Put your registered eBay email address here. These tags are placed immediately following the beginning tag. NOTE: eBay will send the Mister Lister Batch Confirmation email message to this address, not the address in the From: field. This pair of tags is used only once per batch. See example below. [Note: If the FROM: address in the email doesn't match this one, then both addresses will receive response messages.]


Put the delimiter that you will use to separate fields in item descriptions here. The delimiter may be any single character, including a tab. eBay recommends that you use the up arrow or carrot symbol, "^" as the delimiter. DO NOT USE THE DELIMITER CHARACTER ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE FILE EXCEPT WHERE IT IS USED AS A DELIMITER.


Put all of the information needed for a single item within these tags. You can use these tags repeatedly within the same batch to designate multiple auction listings.

The information within these tags includes the description (defined within a separate set of nested tags, described below), and 12 fields that include the data fields required to list a new item (in order): title, category, bold, category featured, featured, location, picture, quantity, reserve, minimum, duration, and private choices. Each of these fields must be separated by the delimiter defined within the <EBAY_BULK_DELIM> tag. See example below.


Put the complete item description here, including HTML if desired. (HTML codes may not match any of the bulk email codes defined here). This pair of tags always appears immediately following the <EBAY_BULK_ITEM> tag. Descriptions may extend over several lines, and may contain line breaks. Also, note that this tag is embedded within the <EBAY_BULK_ITEM> tags and that the item description appears here, while the title follows as the first field after the </EBAY_BULK_ITEM_DESC> end tag. See example below.


The following entry depicts a sample of how these tags must be compiled in the batch email. It is a functionally correct example and can be used (with your email address) to test your software. This example shows a batch with two listings:



<EBAY_BULK_ITEM_DESC>Description of item 1 which may span multiple lines
Title1^138^n^n^n^San Jose^http://pics.ebaystatic.com/aw/pics/logo_lower_tb.gif^12^0.0^0.1^7^n

<EBAY_BULK_ITEM_DESC>Another description here, for the second item which does not include a picture.
Title2^138^n^n^n^San Jose^http://^12^0.0^5.0^7^n


Note that in this example, an up arrow, or carrot "^" has been selected as a delimiter, and is used later within the <EBAY_BULK_ITEM> tag to separate fields.


A. ALL 12 FIELDS for each item description must be completed.

B. The delimiter may not be used as a character in any data field.

C. Items submitted through bulk entry follow the same rules as those entered singly online through the new item form. Mistakes which would result in a conflict between how the bulk entry works and how the single entry works will be reported to you for correction.

D. Bulk item field entry rules

D.1. Title: text only

D.2. Category: get category number from URL of category page of interest or from http://listings.ebay.com/aw/listings/list/categories.html

D.3. Bold: y or n; signifying yes or no choices for this option.

D.4. Category featured: y or n; signifying yes or no choices for this option.

D.5. Featured: y or n; signifying yes or no choices for this option.

D.6. Location: text only

D.7. Picture: Use http:// if no picture, OR the source URL if you have a picture.

D.8. Quantity: Enter a whole number greater than or equal to 1

D.9. Reserve: If the item will not have a reserve price, use 0.0 in this field. If the item will have a reserve, enter a positive value for the reserve price. A decimal point is required. DO NOT USE $ or commas.

D.10. Minimum bid: Must be a positive, non-zero number. A decimal point is required.

D.11. Duration: 3, 5 or 7 (days) for this option.

D.12. Private: y or n; signifying yes or no choices for this option.

E. All fields must be separated by the delimiter, as in the example above.

F. The tags defined here should not be used except as described in these instructions.

G. Tags should be ALL CAPITAL LETTERS or all lower case letters. Do not include both capitals and lower case within the same tag.

H. Batches should not include more than 100 items.

Thank you for using eBay!!!