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Preview our upcoming changes in real estate!

In mid-August, we conducted a preview of some of the changes we wanted to make in the real estate category in order to facilitate trading. These changes included: 1) creating a search with item characteristics, 2) creating a new sell your item for real estate and 3) displaying a new view item, which would have maps and neighborhood information.

We emailed our active buyers and sellers in the area as well as having a survey link on the real estate category index page. Here are some of the results:
  • Out of the 766 emails, we got 257 total responses or a 34% response rate. 39% had bid on real estate items, 37% had listed a real estate item.
  • Of the buyers, 83% responded favorably to the changes.
  • Of the Real Estate bidders, 77% responded favorably to the changes.
  • Of the sellers, 76% responded favorably to the changes
  • Of the Real Estate listers, 72% responded favorably to the changes.
  • 79% of users thought adding 30 days auction was a valuable optional feature.
Due to this positive response, we plan on making these changes to the real estate category in late October. Please click on the links below to see the new real estate.

Sell Your Item
View Item