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Open Shop With a Free eBay Store

Pay nothing for your first 2 months and get more listings, discounts, tools, and more.

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Open Shop With a Free eBay Store

Make Returns Work for You

Increase sales by up to 15%* by offering 30-day free returns.

Learn How about eBay Guaranteed Delivery


*Source: eBay Q3 2017 Internal Data. 15% lift reflects conversion when moving from no returns to 30-day free returns. Individual results may vary. eBay does not guarantee that each seller will experience the same lift. Free returns: seller pays return shipping no matter the reason for return, with no restocking fee.

What is the Promotion?

Invited sellers (“Sellers”) who activate the offer and then sign up for a Monthly or Yearly eBay Store subscription, pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein, will receive a waived subscription fee (the “Promotional Rate”) for the first 2 months of the subscription start date (collectively referred to as “Promotion”). See the Subscription Fee Table below for discounts.

When is it?

This Promotion will begin on the date specified in the message you received through email or eBay Message Center, at 00:00:01 PT (12:00AM plus one second), and will end on the date specified in the message you received through e-mail or eBay Message Center, at 23:59:59 PT (11:59PM plus 59 seconds), for listings on (the “Promotion Period”).

The period where you pay a discounted subscription fee as a result of this Promotion shall be referred to as the “Promotional Subscription Period.” See Stores cancellation information for more details about cancelling a subscription.

How do I get the Promotional Rate?

Sellers who subscribe to a Monthly or Yearly Store subscription here with the seller’s qualifying eBay user ID will automatically receive the Promotional Rate on their next invoice.

Before opening an eBay Store, make sure you meet the following requirements:

Stores cancellation information

Your store subscription will be deemed to start on the day you sign up and will automatically renew after the Promotional Subscription Period at the level and term selected during sign up. If you do not want to be charged for your eBay Store subscription in accordance with the store terms after the Promotional Subscription Period, you will need to cancel your subscription by 23:59:59 PST, on the last day of your Promotional Subscription Period. To cancel, click on Subscriptions within the account tab of My eBay, then click or Cancel Subscription.

Note, if you cancel your store subscription during the Promotional Period, you will no longer be eligible for the offer.

If you sign up for a Yearly Stores subscription, a one-year commitment period is required. If you downgrade or cancel the Yearly Stores subscription at any time prior to the last month of your subscription, outside of the Promotional Subscription Period, you will be charged an early termination fee.

Example Discount Subscription Fee Table
Current eBay Stores Level (before Promotion Period) New eBay Stores Level (During Promotion Period) Monthly Subscription fee during Promotion Subscription Period Yearly Subscription fee during Promotion Subscription Period (1-year term required, cancel during Promotional Subscription Period to avoid Early Termination Fees)
Non Store Starter $7.95 $0.00 $4.95 $0.00
Non Store Basic $27.95 $0.00 $21.95 $0.00
Non Store Premium $74.95 $0.00 $59.95 $0.00
Non Store Anchor $349.95 $0.00 $299.95 $0.00

What will I see on my invoice?

Examples included for illustrative purposes only. Actual invoices will vary based on date of sign up.

Example for sellers on 1st of the month invoicing:

If you sign up on January 1 and do not cancel your subscription prior to January 31, you will see the discounted subscription fee for the Store level selected for January 1–31 on your January invoice. You will also see a standard subscription rate charge for February 1-28 on your January invoice.

Example for sellers on the 16th of the month invoicing:

If you sign up on January 1, you will see the discounted subscription fee for the Store level selected from January 1 - January 15 on your December invoice. If you do not cancel your subscription prior to January 31 at 23:59:59 PST, you will see no charge for January 16 - January 31 on your January invoice and a standard subscription rate charge for February 1 - February 15. You will also see a standard subscription rate charge for February 16 - March 15 on your February invoice.

Summary of Restrictions & Exclusions

Please take time to read the full terms for all the details.

  • eBay Store fees, terms, and benefits will still be in effect.
  • This Promotion does not apply to existing eBay Store subscribers and is only valid for subscriptions for US.
  • If you sign up for a Yearly Stores subscription, a one-year commitment period is required. If you downgrade or cancel the Yearly Stores subscription at any time prior to the last month of your subscription, outside of the Promotional Subscription Period, you will be charged an early termination fee.
  • Only Sellers whose accounts meet eBay’s minimum seller performance standards are eligible. Please view your Seller Dashboard to verify whether your account is currently meeting the standards. Find out more about seller performance standards.
  • The Promotional Rate does not apply to eBay Stores subscriptions started prior to the Seller activating the offer or with a start date prior to the Promotion Period. Additionally, the Promotional Rate will not apply to eBay Stores subscriptions that are started after the Promotion Period.
  • This promotion does not apply to the Enterprise Store Subscription.

Reference code: 7723