Feedback is a very important aspect of trading on eBay. Consistent positive feedback lets buyers know that you manage transactions well and that you care about your reputation.
Buyers can leave sellers an overall positive, neutral, or negative Feedback and ratings on four aspects of their transaction: accuracy of item description, communication, shipping time, and shipping and handling charges. The rating system is based on a one- to five-star scale, with one star being the lowest rating and five stars being the highest.
The average of each DSR is displayed on the seller's Feedback Profile page. DSRs do not impact the overall Feedback Score, but provide a more complete picture of the member's performance as a seller. DSRs are also a factor for eligibility for key seller benefits, including advantage in listing exposure, membership in the PowerSeller program, and eligibility for PowerSeller discounts on final value fees.
eBay has begun evolving the way we evaluate quality by gradually changing the focus from a seller's average DSR score to the instances of low scores—1s and 2s. Also, only transactions with U.S. buyers will count towards the requirements for U.S. sellers. Transactions and DSRs from repeat U.S. buyers will also count to reward sellers who cultivate repeat business by providing their customers with great service. Learn more about these changes.
For more information, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions.
Follow these basic customer-satisfaction guidelines to keep a high positive feedback rating and great DSRs:
- Always represent your item accurately and honestly.
- Make your terms of sale easy to find and easy to understand-especially concerning payment terms, shipping, and returns.
- Be available to answer questions before and after the listing closes.
- Be patient and courteous with your buyers.
- Make every possible effort to bring the transaction to a satisfying close. It's not unusual for a sale to be cancelled and still be resolved to the satisfaction of both seller and buyer.
- Be sure to leave positive feedback for your customers. It makes them happy and encourages them to leave positive feedback and high DSRs for you.
- Leave Feedback as soon as you receive payment or once payment has cleared. It sends a signal to your buyer that your are responsive and opens communication on a positive note.
Item as described
Guiding principle: It’s always better to pleasantly surprise than disappoint.
- Write a great description, but don’t sacrifice relevant details and for the sake of "sizzle."
- Be accurate and cover all defects. Write as if there were no pictures so you leave no doubt in your buyers mind about what they’re getting.
- Use pictures! Show your item from every angle.
- If you’re listing a used item, include a picture of the actual item, not a generic or stock shot.
- Fill out Item Specifics when available and be sure to include all important details like size, weight, color, quantity, etc.
- Format your description so it’s easy for buyers to read all important details. Use bullets, bold, paragraphs, etc.
- Resolve any Item Not as Described complaints in a timely manner.
Guiding principle: Let your customers know you’re there for them.
- Spell out your policies and methods for buyers to reach you right in your listings—including how quickly they can expect a response. Be sure to follow through on the expectations you set.
- Be proactive! Automating key communications is a great way to let customers know you’re there for them. "Thank you for the order and the quick payment. Your item shipped today!"
- Respond to emails and phone calls in a timely manner.
- Include answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in your listings to head off many routine inquiries and avoid a backlog. You can also add FAQs to the Ask Seller a Question page or set up a self-service knowledge base.
- Stay calm and keep an open mind in all your contacts with buyers. When treated with courtesy and consideration, even the most disgruntled individual can become your loyal customer.
- Include answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in your listings to head off many routine inquiries and avoid a backlog. You can also add FAQs to the **Ask Seller a Question** page or set up a self-service knowledge base.
Shipping time
Guiding principle: Speedy delivery = happy customers.
- Ship as soon as possible after you receive payment.
- Specify your shipping policies in the shipping details section of your listing; specify when you ship after receiving payment.
- Be specific about the shipping services you offer, including delivery time for each service.
- Offer a shipping service that provides tracking numbers.
- Use the PayPal Label Shipping solution to pay for shipping with and print labels right from your computer. It makes your job easy and you and your buyer will automatically receive an email with the date you shipped the item and the tracking number.
- Purchase shipping insurance or use a shipping service that offers loss and damage protection.
- Make sure all your international listings include a clear message to buyers about their responsibility for customs fees. If you include this message, eBay will remove negative or neutral Feedback given on those listings due to customs delays or fees. Please make sure you read and follow the requirements for this message so that you are fully protected.
Shipping and handling charges
Guiding principle: Reasonable shipping is a great closer—and gets you a high rating to boot!
- Specify details such as service and cost in the shipping details section of your listing.
- Use calculated shipping to determine actual shipping cost to your buyer's location.
- Offer discounts for shipping multiple items in one order. Your customer will see other items you have for sale, be happy to save on shipping, and most likely leave you a great rating.
- Offer free shipping. Your listings may receive more visibility and it’s a great way to make customers happy.
- Provide details about any handling or packaging costs in the item description.
- Take advantage of reduced pricing on some shipping services when you use the PayPal Label Printing solution. Pass the savings on to your customers to make them extra happy.
- Make sure all your international listings include a clear message to buyers about their responsibility for customs fees. If you include this message, eBay will remove negative or neutral Feedback given on those listings due to customs delays or fees. Please make sure you read and follow the requirements for this message so that you are fully protected.