Cross Promotion Connections
What’s a Cross-Promotion Connection?
The Cross-promotion Connection feature builds upon the current Cross-promotion tool. The Cross-promotion tool allows you to merchandise additional items you have for sale on eBay to generate buyer interest and increase listing success.
Cross-promotion connections enable you and other sellers to cross-promote each others' items to increase listing visibility and sell more items.
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1. Request a connection with a seller you know and trust or receive a request from another seller and decide if you want to accept the request.
2. After you have both agreed, a connection is formed. Now, both connected sellers cross-promote each other's items automatically.
Cross-promotions from connected sellers appear after a buyer bids on or wins your item. If you have cross-promotions for your own items, they will be displayed first, followed by items from connected sellers. An example is shown above.
To set up cross-promotions for your own items, see the Cross-Promotion Tutorial:
Store sellers:
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Note: Cross-promotion connections are only available for registered eBay sellers

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