Item Specifics allow you, the seller, to highlight important details about your item. Item Specifics are displayed within your listing's description, giving buyers information they want in an easy-to-scan format.
Adopting the Item Specifics feature also helps your listing to be found. For example, if Item Specifics are not used to specify an item's condition (such as New), that item will not be displayed to buyers who narrow their search to show only new items. Using Item Specifics is free and optional, but highly recommended. On average, adding Item Specifics results in an increase in bids per listing and an increase in sales per listing.
Your listing's category will offer either eBay-defined or Custom Item Specifics:
- In categories with the newer Custom Item Specifics you can create your own item details, or use recommendations based on terms that have been successful for similar items in the past.
- In categories with the original eBay-defined Item Specifics you're provided with a fixed set of item details to choose from. eBay Item Specifics will transition to Custom Item Specifics over the coming months.
If you use a 3rd party listing service (e.g., Vendio and ChannelAdvisor, etc.), please contact them regarding implementation of changes.
Changes to eBay Item Specifics
Area |
Details |
Timing |
Books: Antiquarian |
Updating Categories (renamed to Subject) and Sub-Categories (renamed to Topic). Adding 'Loose Pages, Articles' to Binding and 'Illustrated' and 'Miniature' to Special Attributes and adding an Origin attribute (the geographic origin of the book). |
September |
Books: Audiobooks |
Updating Categories (renamed to Subject) and Sub-Categories (renamed to Topic). Adding MP3 CD to Format and adding a Language attribute. |
September |
Books: Children's |
Updating Categories (renamed to Subject) and Sub-Categories (renamed to Topic). Adding Language and Special Attributes attributes. |
September |
Books: Fiction |
Updating Categories (renamed to Subject) and Sub-Categories (renamed to Topic). Adding 'Large Print' and 'Illustrated' to Special Attributes and adding a Language attribute. |
September |
Books: Non-Fiction |
Updating Categories (renamed to Subject) and Sub-Categories (renamed to Topic). Adding 'Large Print' and 'Illustrated' to Special Attributes, 'CD-ROM (Non-Audio)' to Format and adding a Language attribute. |
September |
Books: Magazines |
Updating Subjects and Publications. Adding 'Annual Issue' and 'Special Issue' to Issue Type and adding a Language attribute. |
September |
Cell Phones |
Updating Brands and Features and moving Unlocked from Feature to Carrier. Renaming Type to Style and removing 'Smartphone' and 'Dummy, Display'. Adding free-text Cellular Band attribute and removing Technology. |
September |
Coins: US Coins |
Updating Method of Manufacture (renamed to Strike Type) and removing Material. |
September |
Computers: PC Laptops |
Updating Processor Types and Memory and adding a Type attribute to include values like Netbook. |
September |
Computers: Apple Desktops and Apple Laptops |
Updating Primary Drives. |
September |
Sporting Goods: Road Bikes and Mountain Bikes |
Updating Brands and Model Year. |
September |
Sports Mem.Cards & Fan Shop: Cards |
Updating Products, Year/Season (renamed to Year) and Card Manufacturers. Renaming values under Professionally Graded from 'Yes' and 'No' to 'Graded' and 'Ungraded'. Removing Serial Number attribute.
Note: eBay Item Specifics will transition to seller-controlled Custom Item Specifics. As part of this transition:
- Separate breakouts by sport will be created
- Custom IS will offer item specifics for Team and Player (or Driver)
September |
Televisions |
Updating Brands, Display Technology and Features. |
September |
Jewelry & Watches |
Minor renames and value additions to prepare for the transition of eBay Item Specifics to Custom Item Specifics in: CZ Engagement Rings, Diamond Engagement/Wedding Ring Sets, Diamond Solitaire Rings, Diamond Solitaire w/Accents, Diamond Three-Stone Rings, Fashion Rings, Fine Bracelets, Fine Earrings, Fine Necklaces & Pendants, Fine Rings, Wedding Bands with Diamonds & Gemstones, Wedding Bands without Stones, Wristwatches |
September |
Coins |
Renaming Condition to Circulated/Uncirculated |
Mid October |
Upcoming Transitions of eBay Item Specifics to Custom Item Specifics
Area |
Transitioning Item Specifics |
Timing |
Cell Phones & PDAs |
Bluetooth Accessories, Cell Phone & PDA Accessories |
Mid October |
Collectibles |
Condition |
Mid October |
Electronics |
Car Audio In-Dash Units, Car Speakers, GPS Systems, Satellite Radio |
Mid October |
Travel |
Luggage |
Mid October |
Gift Certificates |
Gift Certificates |
Mid October |