2 min article

Sharing and using content

For the convenience of sellers, we offer a product catalog of photos, item descriptions, and specifications, which are provided by users and/or third parties.

Sellers can use content from this product catalog when creating their listings, and in these cases, they will not have to source their own stock images.

We might, at our discretion, use photos that you upload to your listings to represent a product in our product catalog.

Photos in all listings will be considered for possible inclusion in the catalog. However, there is no guarantee that any of your photos will be selected.

What you should know

  • All photos you upload to listings may be selected for inclusion in our product catalog. You can’t selectively choose which photos you want us to consider for inclusion in the catalog
  • The photos you share will benefit the eBay community as a whole, sellers and buyers alike. As a seller, you have access to the photos in the product catalog, which you may choose to include in your listings. This means that you won’t have to source stock images yourself

It’s important to follow all eBay policies, including our rules about intellectual property, when you create listings or use our product catalog.

Learn more about using product details from our catalog.

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