2 min overview

How to use search

Find exactly what you’re looking for and keep track of items once you’ve found them with our range of search tools.

Whether you're browsing, looking for a specific item, or trying to track down a seller you bought from in the past, we have tools to help.

The quickest way to search on eBay is by using our search bar at the top of most pages. Type in what you're looking for, hit Search, and we'll find the items that best match your search.

Searching and filtering results

Here's an overview of the different ways you can search on eBay and how to keep track of items once you've found them.

You can use the filters on the left-hand side of the search results page to help narrow down your search results – by item specifics (such as brand, colour and size), item condition (new, used, etc.), buying format (auction, Buy It Now, accepts offers), whether the seller accepts returns, and much more.

You can also filter for particular delivery options:

  • To find items with free shipping, scroll down to the Shipping options filters and select Free shipping
  • To find items located in the US, scroll down to the Item location filters and select US Only

Related articles on search

Advanced search

Find a specific item, category, or eBay Store quickly and easily by using Advanced search.

Saved searches

If you regularly search for the same types of items on eBay, save time by creating saved searches.

Your Watchlist

Find out how to use your Watchlist to keep track of up to 300 items that you're interested in but aren't quite ready to bid on or buy.

How listings are ranked in search results

When you search for an item on eBay, the listings in your search results are ranked by our Best Match algorithm. The algorithm is designed to show you the listings that most closely match what you're looking for.

Listings are ranked based on a variety of factors, including:

  • how closely the listing matches your search terms
  • how popular the item is
  • the price of the item
  • your browsing history
  • the item's location

Other factors such as the seller's track record on eBay, how complete the listing is, and the number of listings matching your query, are also taken into account. Promoted listings that match your search query and interests will also appear higher in search results.

Search results will also be influenced by any filters you've selected, or if you choose to sort listings in a particular order, for example lowest price first.

We regularly update our Best Match algorithm to improve the search experience and this may occasionally have an impact on how listings are ranked.

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