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In April 2000, SWIFT (Southwest Washington Independent Forward Thrust) nonprofit organization in Vancouver, Washington, received it's largest ever donation: an entire company! Local businessman Dean Irvin donated his Comfort Interiors decorating business, explaining, "I spent my whole career making people comfortable in their homes. Now I want to make our community comfortable too."

With the help of local marketing guru Lou Bank from the marketing firm Ten Angry Pit Bulls, SWIFT's executive director Pam Cundy put the business on eBay. "We have a regular charity auction every year," Pam said, "but this item needed to be showcased in a spectacular way, and eBay seemed to be just the right place." She was right. In 10 days, the auction closed successfully, adding approximately $100,000 to the charity's coffers.

Vancouver community leader and businesswoman Victoria Bradford was the high bidder. "Knowing the money was going to SWIFT made it feel right to me," said Victoria.

Proceeds from the sale have started an endowment fund, providing grants for public art, flower baskets, benches and other community projects in historic Vancouver Washington.

After this huge success, SWIFT continues to list items on eBay to raise additional funds. "With resources stretched to the limit, we needed to find a way to raise more funds without adding more staff. eBay is perfect for us!" Pam said.

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